Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Racist Produce

As I chopped a red onion which would soon become a key ingredient of my homemade mango pineapple salsa, my mind wandered onto yet another off-beaten path. I started to ponder the different colors of onions, and how much more I preferred red ones to yellow ones. Then my thoughts delved a bit deeper into the topic and I realized how I couldn't recall ever trying a white onion. That led me to wonder if produce, like people, are racist.

Yes,  I realize that suggesting that inanimate produce could be capable of racism or any thought for that matter puts my sanity under scrutiny. But let's get a little less literal and travel to the make-believe land of thinking produce. Humor me.

Some people claim that there is no longer any sort of racism but that is just silly. For example, African-Americans typically possess a much better sense of rhythm than us whities and Asians are, in general, better at math. So I have to wonder- out of the various colors of bell peppers, which would be better on the dance floor? What stereotypes would surround a green pepper vs. a red one? Just some food for thought. No pun intended...

Same goes for different fruits. Do red delicious apples team up against little ol' granny smiths? Are sweet potatoes kinder than their russet counterparts? Are plantains self-conscious of their larger cousins, bananas?

Who would win in a fight?

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