Friday, December 21, 2012

It's The End of the World as We Know it...

If you don't know how that song lyric ends you should be shot. Okay, slight exaggeration. Well, it doesn't even matter at this point if you know the rest of the words or not because at some point today the Maya prediction is going to take you out (and I'm not talking out to dinner...).

Okay, maybe humanity is being a pit overdramatic. I mean, another apocalyptic predition? How many times has this happened in the last few years? There was the one foretold by some random potentially insane man last summer, 6-6/06, and others. Yet here we are.

On NPR the other day, there was an interview on their Morning Edition segment with a big-wig in the world of Maya studies (yes, they have big wigs). He blatantly stated that this idea that the Maya predicted the end of the world is purely concocted by our modern society. Don't believe him? Head to the nearest movie theater. The previews clearly manifest his idea- we are apocalypse-obsessed. It seems that 4 out of 5 previews are for movies dealing with apocalyptic subject matter. Sometimes the world ends by alien invasion, sometimes by robot invasion from under the sea (seriously), and sometimes by alien-robot hybrids. We have weather phenomenon taking out the population, rampant incurable viruses, you name it. We seem to be asking for it. How depressing.

Anyways, we have already made it to 4:47 PM. Only a little over 7 hours to see if we live through yet another apocalypse. Good luck.

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