Thursday, January 15, 2015

Converted to a Crier

So, generally, you are either a crier or you’re not. I don't mean the town criers of old, pronouncing breaking news in raised voices for all to hear. I mean people who bawl at the end of tearjerker movies and touching romantic novels. I mean people who behold a shockingly beautiful sunset, a horizon laced with vibrant reds, purples and oranges and have tears instantly well up behind their eyes.

I always put myself in the category of “occasional crier.” Anytime I see an installment of the Lord of the Rings film series, the optical dam breaks and streams run down my cheeks. I couldn't help but get teary-eyed during Bambi. How can people hunt after seeing that?? Yet I sometimes I can watch a movie or read a book intended to be tragic and sad and not flinch.

Not Bambi's Mom!!

I realized this week the degree to which leaving Japan will push me into the full-fledged “bawler” category. I thought I could be strong and bolster up iron-clad defenses to not cry when leaving the school here. Yet, what was I thinking? This school is ingrained in my life now. It is a memory that will always be there in my mind. So perhaps it is only right that I cry.

I didn't predict the frequency with which my tears would flow, however. The other day, a student gave me a letter saying I am the best teacher EVER. Today I got a going away gift from some parents at school. I had lunch for the last time with a class and they gave me a parting present. I had to think of the funniest SNL skit possible to keep from having a humiliating emotional breakdown in the teachers’ room.

This has all been in the past two days, and I still have two more weeks left. I can’t imagine what my last day will be like. Emotionally trying, that’s for sure. 

Coincidentally, I sang this One Direction song "Moments" in class today

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