Monday, November 7, 2011

Johnny Depp + Rum =... I'm still not sure

I like it when a movie tells me it's purpose of existence. I also like it when movie screenwriters do not just give up at the end and tell me with a block of text that everything worked out somehow. If you are on the same page as me in regards to these thoughts, then I would not recommend seeing The Rum Diaries.

Sexy men and women drinking excessively in Puerto Rico could potentially equal an intriguing film, or at least one that is nice to look at. However, there was seemingly no point to the movie whatsoever. It spent about an hour and a half building up the conflicts of the film only to tie up absolutely none of the loose ends except with the aforementioned text telling us that things ended up well. I think that a film should not be released until it is actually ready, and this one was definitely not there.

Even Johnny Depp failed to charm me. I am not a die hard fan or anything, but I think his rum drinking roles should have ended with Jack Sparrow, because how could he even try to top that? Maybe it was the eyeliner that really made that part come alive for him.

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