Friday, August 5, 2011

Monkeys and Bears, Oh My!

Russia is a strange, strange place.
It took me a little while to realize it. Yes, the women are a lot better looking than anywhere else I've seen. Yes, there is basically nothing in English. Yes, there is a completely abnormal amount of flower shops and absolutely no one smiles at you. However, none of this seemed bizarrely out of the ordinary. The thing that really did it for me was the man holding the two monkeys and the parrot in the park. We were on our way to take a boat ride down the Neva river, and there he was, the man with the monkeys and bird, standing next to (yes, seriously) the woman with the BEAR on a leash ready to take your picture for the low, low price of 200 rubles.
This led me to wonder so many things. 1) Is that even legal? 2) Where does the bear/the monkeys/the parrot go after their long day of exploitation? 3) Do I even want to know the answers to these things? I am going to assume no.
Oh, this is on a completely unrelated note, but they also have fish egg flavored potato chips here.

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