Sunday, September 2, 2012

Gardening Special Ops

Today I took on a top secret mission to protect one of the countries most prone to invasion and casualties of war: my grandparent's garden. It was a risky endeavor involving skills possessed by a select few, and my completion would ensure my promotion to a higher rank in the gardening special ops (bet you didn't even know that existed- that is how secretive and selective it is).

My first task was one to heal the ailing and wounded soldiers assigned to protect the hill behind my grandparent's house from invadors. The vegetation lining the hill and surrounding the army's power source (the solar panels on the hill) needed fertilizer- badly. Time was running out for the desperate soldiers, so my commander sent me in to save the day. One by one, I scattered four 20-pound bags of fertilizer along the expanse, making sure to leave no soldier unaided.

The next mission sounded simpler, but was more dangerous. Our intelligence unit informed me that a rogue ivy leaf was spotted in our grounds. The spy, sent by the neighboring garden already invaded by the ivy bent on world domination, intended to wriggle its way into our garden and initiate a takeover. I could not let that happen. Wielding weed killer, I trudged up the steep hill to the ivy's inconspicuous hiding spot and took him out before he knew what hit him.

My final task was a maintenance task. One of the sprinkler heads providing sustenance for the hill's vegetation needed adjustment as it was not functioning properly. I headed up the hill one final time, fixed the sprinkler, thus accomplishing my mission. I now hold the highest rank in gardening special ops.

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