It seemed that my writing about Gwyneth Paltrow yesterday induced a an avalanche of her presence to come careening into my life. After blogging about her multitude of talents, I thought I was Gwynethed-out for the day. However, later that evening my friends and I decided to rent a movie, so I headed to the nearest Redbox to see what it had to offer. The choices were nothing to light sparklers and jump up and down about, but there were a few titles that I had been wanting to check out. Among them was Contagion, a film about a new deadly virus which spreads quickly and easily and is seemingly unstoppable. I can't think of a better way to spend a Saturday night than finding out if a vaccine will be developed or if the human race will fall.
Of course, the first actress to make an appearance is, guess who? My dear friend Gwyneth! Not looking so hot either, we got to watch a good ol' autopsy performed on her dead body (she was the one who started the spread of the virus- nice going). Not a "behind a curtain, you don't see anything" autopsy either- we had the privelage of seeing her scalp pulled down over her face. That makes for some nice dreams. After the movie, which was very good, I might add, I went home and decided to choose a DVD from my friend's collection which she had lent me. I was told that I must watch The Royal Tennenbaums so I put that in the DVD player. And, guess who is one of the main characters? Reese Witherspoon. Just kidding, it was Gwyneth. That movie was amazing as well- the lack of quality films I have seen saddens me.
It's not that I have anything against her. I just think it is creepily coincidental that right after blogging about her she was in the two movies I saw later. Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something, like that I should name my kid Apple.
Not her shining moment...

Of course, the first actress to make an appearance is, guess who? My dear friend Gwyneth! Not looking so hot either, we got to watch a good ol' autopsy performed on her dead body (she was the one who started the spread of the virus- nice going). Not a "behind a curtain, you don't see anything" autopsy either- we had the privelage of seeing her scalp pulled down over her face. That makes for some nice dreams. After the movie, which was very good, I might add, I went home and decided to choose a DVD from my friend's collection which she had lent me. I was told that I must watch The Royal Tennenbaums so I put that in the DVD player. And, guess who is one of the main characters? Reese Witherspoon. Just kidding, it was Gwyneth. That movie was amazing as well- the lack of quality films I have seen saddens me.
It's not that I have anything against her. I just think it is creepily coincidental that right after blogging about her she was in the two movies I saw later. Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something, like that I should name my kid Apple.
Not her shining moment...