Most earthly beings have a purpose. Whether minuscule or grandiose, every creature represents a piece of the puzzle of the universe. Wow, that was philosophical...
The purpose of many creatures is obvious- domestic animals keep us company or complete some agricultural function or another. Black-footed ferrets keep the prairie dog population in check, and if they aren't around consequences of prairie dog overpopulation run rampant (*ahem* Boulder, Colorado...). One missing link in the carefully composed food chain leads to chaos. No, this is not a rant about the environment or human impact on the animal world. It is a rant about something much, much smaller- fruit flies.
I do not think there would be the slightest negative impact on the world if fruit flies ceased to exist. The only function I could attach to these horrendous insects is to try the patience of those whose homes they infest and whose food they contaminate. On that same note, what is the point of silverfish? Mosquitos? The only thing mosquitos have given us is West Nile virus, and silverfish a career for exterminators.
The purpose of many insects manifests itself clearly. Bees are essential for agriculture through pollination (the same goes for butterflies which are also nature's decoration for us to marvel at), wasps aid in the fermentation of grapes and therefore wine production (which possibly allows for forgiveness of their evil stings), roly-polies are adorable and praying mantises take out less pleasant bugs with their kung fu moves and (what is the plural for mantis??) are just plain lucky (and make for hilarious animated characters like in Kung Fu Panda).
I imagine God was bored one day and decided to mess with us humans by creating obnoxious insects. Or he wanted to help us learn the virtue of patience.
The purpose of many creatures is obvious- domestic animals keep us company or complete some agricultural function or another. Black-footed ferrets keep the prairie dog population in check, and if they aren't around consequences of prairie dog overpopulation run rampant (*ahem* Boulder, Colorado...). One missing link in the carefully composed food chain leads to chaos. No, this is not a rant about the environment or human impact on the animal world. It is a rant about something much, much smaller- fruit flies.
I do not think there would be the slightest negative impact on the world if fruit flies ceased to exist. The only function I could attach to these horrendous insects is to try the patience of those whose homes they infest and whose food they contaminate. On that same note, what is the point of silverfish? Mosquitos? The only thing mosquitos have given us is West Nile virus, and silverfish a career for exterminators.
The purpose of many insects manifests itself clearly. Bees are essential for agriculture through pollination (the same goes for butterflies which are also nature's decoration for us to marvel at), wasps aid in the fermentation of grapes and therefore wine production (which possibly allows for forgiveness of their evil stings), roly-polies are adorable and praying mantises take out less pleasant bugs with their kung fu moves and (what is the plural for mantis??) are just plain lucky (and make for hilarious animated characters like in Kung Fu Panda).
I imagine God was bored one day and decided to mess with us humans by creating obnoxious insects. Or he wanted to help us learn the virtue of patience.