This is one of the many questions raised by this film- I will describe in more detail a couple of paragraphs down. Another head scratcher is why they felt the need to cast a women’s professional fighter in the lead role. This would have made sense if they did more realistic fight scenes, but they were so incredulous that they might as well have hired someone with a bit more acting ability. I feel mean judging Gina Carano, who played Mallory, the protagonist of the story, but she had a very monotone voice and not all that much emotion. She was definitely hot though.
Okay, here is another question that I feel the need to throw out there- what is with the sudden appearance of Channing Tatum everywhere I look? I walk into the theater and there is a poster for The Vow featuring him being all pensive and emotional, and right next to it is a cardboard cutout of him for the film 21 Jump Street, and then I go in to see Haywire and he is there yet again, being all broody. Man, that guy is busy! Channing Tatum overdose! Teenage girls rejoice!
Okay, back on track now: the cornrows thing. There was a scene where Mallory is trying to set up the bad guys (it was really unclear as to who was bad and who wasn’t, I might add- if anyone knows about the affiliation of the Michael Douglass character, please enlighten me) and tries to make herself look all stealthy. When she reveals herself to them, she has these weird cornrows and creepy makeup that basically make it look like she took a face plant into an ashtray or put her face too close to a grill. A scene later which we are supposed to believe happened immediately after the cornrow-ambush scene, her hair is miraculously straight again. Then, the next scene, the cornrows show up again! How confusing! Is she doing this herself, or does she have a secret cornrow professional following her around? If she does them herself that quickly, I am impressed…
Anyways, all of that aside the film was alright. It was somewhat watchable and entertaining, but extremely confusing at times and I failed to see a real point to the plot. Maybe it was just to make another action movie with a kick-ass female lead, and give Channing Tatum something to keep him busy.
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