Sunday, October 26, 2014

In My Own Defense

Man, people just love attacking me, or at least judging me, in comments lately. It is for this reason that I am considering ending my blogging endeavors on this site entirely. Actually though, many people online and in person have judged me on the following issue: the fact that I do not speak Japanese.

Let me just point out that I speak Spanish fluently, a bit of French and some Portuguese. I have studied Russian as well. So, by no means am I unilingual. I will also point out that prior to arriving in Japan TWO MONTHS AGO I studied no Japanese whatsoever. Already at this point, after studying on my own, I can ask basic questions, understand some answers, count, and read two of the three alphabets. I think that is pretty impressive, and I don't care if I am tooting my own horn.

Yet, people STILL say to me all the time: "you need to learn more Japanese," and ask me "why isn't your Japanese better?" or "why don't you study Japanese?" I'm WORKING ON IT, people! I have books, I have Rosetta Stone which I study often, and I always talk to Japanese people to try and improve.

Language learning doesn't happen overnight, I'm sorry to inform all you Captain Judgements out there. If you know of some method to make me magically fluent in Japanese overnight, please tell me about it. Otherwise, get off my back. I'm not taking any more of this crappy criticism. That is all. 


  1. You shouldn't have to deal with crappy criticism! I am amazed at how much you have learned in a short time! It is a hard language too! You go, girl! Just don't stop the bog!

  2. ahem...monolingual Japanese es una idioma que necesita mucho tiempo a aprender y hablar. Entonces, la cambia es muy interesante. Estudiando los characturos Chinos no es fasil, pero si te gustas estudiarlos, seraba un experencia muy divertido para ti.

    1. Claro, estoy de acuerdo que es divertido, pero tambien muy dificil! Y tambien se puede decir "unilingual" en vez de "monolingual," pero es mas comun en Canada que en el Ingles de los Estados Unidos. Lo siento por no usar acentos en las palabras, mi computadora no permitelo facilmente.

  3. Don't let those negative nancies get you down!

    1. Thanks guys, I feel much better now! \(^o^)/


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