Thursday, March 12, 2015

Barreling Down the Hobbit River

How many people can say they went swimming where the dwarves and Bilbo took their wild barrel ride in The Hobbit film? Well, actually, a lot of people if they live in or visit New Zealand. I imagine, however, that many of them do not know that they have been swimming where Peter Jackson chose to film the famous scene.

One of the most bizarre things I encountered upon arriving in New Zealand was that Kiwis (the people, not the birds) do not go absolutely mental for Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit like we Americans do. It has gotten ridiculous to points, like the struggle it took to figure out how to get to the Weta Cave, where many of the miniatures and costumes were made for the movies. I mean... the Weta Cave is MORE famous on a completely different continent than on its own! That's not normal.

So I had gotten used to this aspect of a lack of interest in Lord of the Rings and Hobbit stuff when I arrived at the Pelorus Bridge. I wasn't surprised at all that there wasn't even a wee blurb informing visitors that the famous barrel scene from The Hobbit was filmed there. However, we asked the attendant at the camp ground about it, saying "which part of the river is the bit from Lord of the Rings?" A look of disappoval overcame her face. "Um, NONE of the Lord of the Rings films were filmed here" (long, dramatic pause) "The Hobbit was." I wasn't about to let her Negative Nancy attitude get to me. We hiked down to the bridge and took some photos, and later even went swimming in the gloriously clear and refreshing water. It turns out that the Pelorus Bridge features lovely rocks perfect for jumping off of into the river for a swim.

Yes. Pelorus is a lovely place for a swim and a jump, and you feel cool swimming in the same water down which a bunch of famous (and not-so-famous) actors barreled. There couldn't possibly be anything wrong with such a glorious place, right?

Wrong. Cue story about sandflies, New Zealand's best kept secret. For a reason.
I would almost argue that these nasty little insects and the bites they cause are worse than mosquitoes. They are these teeny little black flying bugs that land on you and bite you ALL over, mercilessly. Then the bites leas to itchy bumps, much like those of mosquitoes. The "interesting" thing was that they seemed to stay away from the New Zealanders and only attacked us foreigners. I guess they have a palate for foreign food.

More about the Pelorus adventure later! I'm off to go scratch my sandfly bites.


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