Monday, May 21, 2012

Vegan Update

To any of you who care, I successfully completed my 30 days of veganism. It was awhile ago actually that I hit the 30 day mark but I put off writing about it until, well, right now. Thus, it has been more like 40 days of veganism, perhaps further qualifying me to write about the affect of an animal-free diet on the body. All during my life, I have been one of those people that constantly tells themself that they will start being healthier. Starting...tomorrow, because I can't pass up that piece of cake after dinner. I mean, come on, who can pass it up? For me anyways, passing up cake takes the willpower of a British royal guard. Those guys are intense.

I believe that everyone has a least a little bit of trouble when it comes to transitioning to a healthy lifestyle. Deciding what kind of fad diet/healthy lifestyle to abide by is a lot more complex than a simple consultation of the latest health magazine or Dr. Oz's website (I'm not too sure about that guy's motives anyways). And articles about how eating healthy and exercising on a regular basis changes your life can almost get preachy and only inspire you to continue whatever lifestyle you are currently living just to shove it in the article's face. Not that the article itself would feel any offense by your life choices, nor the author, because they would never find out, and articles don't have feelings.

Veganism for me seemed like a wise choice- it's good for the environment, allegedly boosts your energy to superhuman levels, and keeps you a nice distance from the often questionable animal product industry. What's not to love? There are undoubtedly cons- asking to find out if a menu item is vegan illicits confused and almost offended expressions from waiters making it seem like you just asked them to commit an unspeakable crime. Reading labels at the grocery store begins to eat up your time and makes you have to consult lists of what is and what is not an animal product. Finding vitamins that are not coated in gelatin is worse than the cliche analogy of the needle in the haystack.

However, despite these qualms, the physical benefits are certainly noticeable. I feel like I need less sleep to experience the same level of energy (I am not quite down to the 4 hours a night that Clinton boasts, however), I have an improved mindset and more motivation. I know you are all in suspense as to whether or not I plan to keep this up. I plan to, but perhaps to a slightly less strict degree. For example, I am not convinced that it will kill me to eat an egg every once in awhile, nor to consume vitamins with a gelatin coating. When I go to Europe, I can forsee myself caving in and seeing as how veganism is a little known term across the pond. It is hard enough to pursue vegetarianism across the pond. But overall, I will continue to lean towards veganism as much as humanly possible and officially dub this experiment a success!

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