Friday, June 15, 2012

And the Journey Begins...

I see plenty of laptop users here in the Starbucks in the Newark international airport which is an indication that there are plenty of people willing to hunker down and pay for the wifi. I, however, am not one or the aforementioned individuals, thus I am currently storing away my newly formed thoughts into the Evernote iPad app until a later time. If I don't, there is a good chance that they will be lost forever when replaced by thoughts that out date them. 

Boarding my flight to Newark almost induced an aneurism or a panic attack as I was in the last boarding group meaning by the time they got to lowly ol' me, they had run out of overhead bin space. Upon informing me that I would have to check my carry on, I responded with a declaration that if they were to throw my bag onto the conveyor, I would be accompanying it. They took pity and allowed my bag to fly in the practically empty first class bins. I felt like jack on the titanic as I was greeted with judgmental stares from the first class royalty for daring to traipse on their turf, though briefly. I felt more accepted upon reentry into 'steerage', and envious that my bag got to fly first class while I sat in the horrifically angled United coach seats. Seriously, only when those seats are put all the way back are they in an anatomically acceptable position.

The flight to Spain was incident free. My satisfaction was far exceeded with the vegan meal that I requested prior to flying. First of all, I was served before everybody else, much to the dismay of my seat neighbors. Second of all, it was high quality vegan food! A quinoa salad, a tasty curry dish complimented with basmati rice, a roll with margarine and the best part of all, a vegan chocolate chip cookie! 

I finally got to see an episode of Game of Thrones which has been recommended to me on multiple occasions, and all that happened was I ended up confused since the only episode available was one from season 2 and it is one of those shows you need to follow chronologically. 

Upon arriving in Spain, I was greeted by resurfacing memories around every corner. The route of the metro came fleeting back into my mind almost instantly. One memory which I had suppressed, however, was the lack of escalators not only in Spain, but in Europe altogether. It is not too pleasant getting off of an international flight and lugging a bag up too many stairs to count.

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