Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Last Night, I Shared a Bed With...

Woah there Marisa, getting a little scandalous are we?? Don't worry, this post is not going to morph into a semi-pornographic, steamly letter to Penthouse. Hope you're not too disappointed by that, but I generally try to keep these posts G rated (well, maybe sometimes PG). Anyways, didn't mean to leave you all hanging- last night, I shared a bed with a little Westie dog and an orange tabby cat. Let me tell you, they are not the best nocturnal companions.

My life has gotten very "wild kingdom" since I've begun watching the house of a family friend who is on holiday (look at that British word slipping into my vocab...blame my Ireland travels) with her family. Aside from the Westie and the tabby, they have two other cats, and though I have not seen them (thankfully), a family of conniving raccoons living under the porch. They keep me busy, that's for sure.

The aforementioned orange tabby generally lives outside, but I let it in whenever it decides to grace me with its presence. It caused me a good deal of concern, actually, as it only showed up after the first two days of watching the house. I let it in, fed it tuna (much to its pleasure) and then headed up to bed. All night, meows of different pitches and tones, all coming from the same cat, prevented my chances of falling asleep. I erred in the assumption that they were meows of protest at being kept inside, but I knew I could not let it back out as I had been instructed to only do so during the day. When my exhaustion became unbearable, I exited the room and almost tripped over the cat. Her qualm was actually with not being in the same room as me. In a well-rested state, I would have been touched that I had made a feline friend, but in a groggy one, I was just glad that the meows ceased.

So, it is now about 3 AM. Cats, I suppose, do not get tired. Or at least not this one. She spent all night pacing around the bed, rubbing her head against my leg. The dog posted itself next to a street-facing window and would growl or bark at every passing vehicle or creature, human or otherwise. At one point I was glad to have a lookout, however, as I heard some noises which would not have been out of place in a horror film. Maybe tonight I will down a full bottle of Melatonin. Ok, maybe not the best idea...

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