Friday, September 19, 2014

WTF is Gluten?

Japanese people simply cannot wrap their heads around the idea that some people in America do not eat meat. That some don’t even eat FISH is even more baffling to them since they essentially equate fish to vegetables. So, imagine their complete shock when I try to explain what a vegan is. Saying that some people do not consume ANYTHING that comes from an animal astounds them. And I will never forget the way my teacher friend’s face went completely expressionless and blank with a lack of comprehension when I tried to explain gluten. Gluten free will never be something that will make sense here, so I don’t even try to tell people about that anymore.

Yes, the Japanese diet is pretty great sometimes. Sushi, sashimi, delicious fish and miso soups among other things… but sometimes, I must admit, it is a bit of a challenge. For example, Japanese people eat the skin of everything. If a fish is small enough, they will eat the ENTIRE thing, head and all. And perhaps this is normal, but they eat chicken skin as well. Not my thing.

Searching for whole wheat bread and brown rice is one that is generally in vain. I found brown rice once, and it was like searching for a needle in a haystack. They are a little behind jumping on the health food bandwagon. One of the things they do right here is drinking soup from bowls. I hate that in America we have to use our stupid spoons for broth.

This kid knows what's up

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