Tuesday, January 20, 2015

New Neighbor

I didn't realize until yesterday the degree to which I took my living situation for granted. I never realized how good I had it. Instead, I complained about the bad. Boo hoo, my apartment is so small. Boo hoo, I am so lonely. Boo hoo, it’s cold in here. Wah, wah, wah, First World problem after First World problem.

I suppose I didn't realize until last week how beautifully quiet it was in my apartment. All of this was because until Monday of last week, I had no apartment neighbors. No one lived in the spaces directly above, to the left, or to the right of me. Then, all of a sudden, everything changed.

Japan made me notice that I am not one for a traditional Asian bed- a thin mattress on the ground. Having lived my life until my arrival here sleeping on a thick American mattress, it was a struggle adjusting. The thin futon also happens to be in a loft in my apartment, which is sometimes nice when I feel like escaping to my little cave. It was always a quiet little place to which I could escape, until Monday.

Someone moved into the apartment above me. Now, when I am in my loft fighting for sleep, I am about a foot beneath him as he walks across the floor. I have discovered from the amplified sound of rushing water cascading above me that my loft is directly below his shower.

Now, whenever the neighbor above takes a shower, which oddly enough occurs at about 3 in the morning most days, I feel like I am right in there with him. That’s way closer than I’d ever want to be to a stranger. 

Not the 3 AM shower!!!!

Needless to say, I am going shopping after school. The first thing on the list? Earplugs.

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