Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Buffet of Thoughts

While browsing the notes that I sporadically type into my phone lest I forget something important, I was alarmed by the amount of ideas or partial ideas for blog content that never ended up on my blog. The problem is that many of them are just that- ideas. Therefore they are not long enough to comprise an entire blog. What to do? Well, I decided to dedicate a blog post to my random thoughts gathering dust in the notepad of my cell phone, so I can de-clutter a bit. Here goes:

1) Overdoing cutesy phrases: so, this past weekend a large portion of the main freeway going in and out of Los Angeles was closed. Media outlets warned SoCal inhabitants of the two-day closure for months and months in advance, and told them to keep away from the 405 at all costs. This is the second time construction of this magnitude was set to occur on the 405, and as the first closure was officially deemed "Carmageddon," the sequel closure was naturally referred to as Carmageddon 2. Very cute, right? That is witty and all, but a headline in the Sunday Los Angeles Times irked me beyond belief when it further altered the word "Carmageddon" which is already an altered word itself. The article was about how the closure, once again, did not cause nearly as much traffic as predicted, and referred to this as "Calmaggedon." Seriously? How obnoxious.

2) I can't decide if it is funny or sad watching college students in the check-out line at Trader Joe's (and other grocery stores I imagine- I just happened to notice it while at that particular store). Last Friday night around 9, I saw a young man purchase one lone banana and nothing else. I've also seen them stock up on ramen-noodle-esque soups and other food items you would expect to find in one of those cellars designed to store food in case of an apocalypse or severe storm. Sometimes they get in line with the most random single object in hand. One jar of tomato sauce. One chocolate bar. I mean, if you're going to the grocery store, shouldn't you at lease plan ahead a bit to save a trip later? I guess college mentally doesn't follow that reasoning.

3) Where do hair ties, socks and chapstick constantly disappear? I swear there have been times when I know that two socks of a pair went into the dryer, yet only one came out. This must indicate that there is a portal leading into an alternate universe inhabited by single socks, chapstick and hair ties. That could be an interesting compilation of residents. I wonder what their government would be like? A democracy? Or anarchy? Who knows. That could be the next book in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe series. I'd read that book.

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