Sunday, October 21, 2012

Juice Woes

The most entertaining part of my day yesterday was when I tempted fate by sampling juices that were borderline expired and telling Flora, the Kreation Juicery employee, if I thought they had gone bad or not. I suppose that is asking for some sort of food-bourne illness, but I was willing to take that chance for free juice that normally runs at $5.41 a bottle (and that's at the employee discount price!).

There were three juices that, due to their funky-but-not-funky-enough-to-chuck tastes, I was permitted to bring home. However, it turns out that cold-pressed, never-pasteurized juices go downhill fast, as the next morning even I could not bring myself to drink them.

The fresh coconut water not from concentrate sold at the juice bar is like crack. When I first drank it I thought, man that is amazing, but not nearly worth the price. So I decided to try my luck at Trader Joe's for some store-bought coconut H2O. The price of less than $2 put me over the moon. But after I took my first sip... well, let me put it this way: I imagine it would be much like a pain killer addict trying advil the day after downing four Vicodin. The Zico coconut water from concentrate was one of the most disappointing things I've ever tasted!

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