Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Berlin Stories and The Worst Car Ride EVER

Wow, Lake Constance is amazing. I almost thought that I would never make it here, though. My friend Anna who lives here arranged for Dianna and I to get a ride with a girl from Berlin to Lake Constance yesterday at 8:30 AM. Everything was going well at first; we met up with her fine and she seemed nice enough despite the difficulty she had understanding Dianna and my English. The ride in the car was supposed to take 8 hours, so we should have been there by 4:30. Timewise, we were doing amazingly until we hit the halfway point. Around noon, we hit the WORST traffic jam I have ever been in, let alone seen or heard about, in my entire life. To make matters worse, it was on the hottest day in Germany for that year- about 102 degrees. So, we were completely stuck in a stop-and-go traffic jam for literally three hours and resulting in Dianna and I playing a game where we listed all of the things we would rather be doing than being stuck in a car with NO A/C in that horrible, horrible traffic jam. Upon reaching the end, it turned out that it was all the result of a tiny amount of construction- I have never been so pissed off in my entire life.

Berlin August 22, 2011
I am amazed at the sheer amount of strange people that Dianna and i have encountered thus far on our European adventure. I guess the list is about at this point: British bartender in Copenhagen, creepy Copenhagen guys, the cool Copenhagen kayak guys, the sketchy smokers, the Air Berlin eye-candy seating host and sex-obsessed army Bryan. I should probably elaborate for all of your sakes.
1) British bartender in Copenhagen: on our first night in Denmark, Dianna and I went to the Old English Pub where we encountered a very friendly bartender. He kept telling us not to convert the prices, and we chatted about our trip and it was very pleasant.
2) Creepy Copenhagen guys: Dianna and I were walking in Copenhagen to try and find a place to eat our delicious supermarket dinner when all of a sudden we were stopped by two guys asking us for directions, but were clearly not lost at all. They said that it was obvious that we were Americans, which is not the first step towards making a good impression, and we parted ways, only to be chased down by them two minutes later when they asked if they could join us to our destination. They were alright, one was from Africa and one from Portugal, but we were very happy when we parted ways from them.
3) Cool Copenhagen Kayak Guys: Dianna and I were enjoying a 5$ bottle of wine along the pier and in the water below us were three men in kayaks. They were friendly, requested that we please not drop our bottle on their heads, asked us what our plans were in Copenhagen, and then were on their merry way. It was nice- they were not creepy, simply friendly and interested, and gave us a good impression of the locals.
4) The Sketchy Smokers: okay these guys were totally creepy. Upon the departure of the kayak guys, these two men in about their late forties parked their boat directly underneath us. They said "hi" to us and then they were clearly gossiping about us in Danish for a long time while smoking about 20 cigs.
5) The Air Berlin Eye-Candy Flight Attendant: This guy was amazing. He completely made the flight from Copenhagen to Berlin. He was one of the most attractive men I have seen in my entire life and it made me wish that the flight was longer than one measly hour.
6) Sex-Obsessed Army Bryan: He was an um...interesting....person. Basically, we were in the bar in our AMAZING hostel and he spoke to Dianna while she was getting a drink and was really enthused to learn that we were from the states, and especially that I was born in MD because he was from there. So, he sat with us and went on and on about how he was in the army and how he loved photography and then decided to give us a WAY too detailed account of his trip to the zoo where he watched elephants have sex. It was extremely graphic and unnecessary and his horrible descriptions will never leave my brain. Thank you so much for that, Bryan....

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