Sunday, August 21, 2011

I hope they make I Heart Berlin T-Shirts...

With Berlin... it was love at first sight. And my first sight of it happened to be the unbelievably sexy flight attendant for Air Berlin. I was skeptical about them as an airline until I sat down and saw that amazing piece of eye candy walking down the aisle. I wish it had been a longer flight just so I could check him out a little bit longer. Also, they gave us free chocolate muffins. So... A+ for Air Berlin. They have climbed up the airline-quality ladder right to where Czech Airlines is. If that hot man leaves their service, however, it might be a different story.

Oh Berlin, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways (so far, and I have only been here for a couple of hours):
1) Super attractive flight attendant man
2) Friendly residents- Dianna and I were hopelessly lost looking for our hostel and three nice people led us to the hostel.
3) NORMAL PRICES! I could not have been any more excited when I saw that a cocktail was only 4 euros. I wanted to hug the waitress upon realizing that truly, not everywhere is like Copenhagen.
4) One of the best hostels of my life thus far. I thought that nothing would ever be as amazing as Yes! Hostel in Lisbon. However, this is a gorgeous building, has one of the cleanest restrooms I have ever seen in my life, and an awesome bar right downstairs. Maybe I will just spend the next two days sitting here and drinking and playing pool instead of actually seeing the city...

Wow, this place is wonderful. Tomorrow we will go to see the Holocaust Memorial, Hitler's bunker and the Berlin wall. I almost wish I was staying here longer!

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