Friday, July 6, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom a Must-See

Nothing created by Wes Anderson falls short of magical. With each successive viewing of his films, he climbs higher and higher on my list of favorite directors. His vibrant characters and settings bring life to his imaginative plots. He incorporates songs, sets, colors and sounds which invigorate the senses creating movies that are can only be described as treats for the eyes, ears and mind. After various painful cinematic experiences at the theaters recently (*ahem* Seeking a Friend for the End of the World)Moonrise Kingdom was a breath of freash air which transported me to a whimsical world and the desire to inhabit it forever. A charming tale of young love, Moonrise Kingdom follows a misunderstood boy and girl who run away from friends and families to be together.

Edward Norton and Bill Murray provide, as usual, talented acting performances as the boy scout equivalent troop leader and the girl's father, respecively. Bruce Willis mastered his role as the island police officer as well. Not a single line of dialogue uttered by the relatively small number of characters was out of place or unnecessary, and most caused the entire theater audience to erupt in laughter. The simplicity of the plot makes for a charming, almost fairy-tale like film based on the joys and struggles of young love. I can say confidently that I enjoyed every single moment of Moonrise Kingdom, and would eagerly return to see it again.

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