Sunday, May 4, 2014

Bucket List

Guess where I am RIGHT now?? I'm sure that is a bit of a head-scratcher since I have been all over the place lately. I'll give you a hint: Legally Blonde (the original, not the sub-par sequel about animal testing). Yes, I am currently sipping a latte in Harvard square, with my pinky raised and nose slightly angled upwards. Just walking onto this campus makes my IQ feel significantly elevated, or, perhaps simply my ego bloated. Despite my best intentions to look like I know exactly where I am going on the metro and to look like I truly belong at this Ivy League school, one slight faux pas gives me away, unfortunately. While packing, my mind was taken over by that of a teenage boy and convinced me that really, I only needed one pair of pants for three days. So, of course, day one I spilled mustard on my jeans. Day two, salad dressing. I'm now among some of the best dressed young people I have ever seen (which begs the question- with all of the studying and class work that probably makes them prefer prison at times, how do these students have time to perfect their wardrobes??) wearing stained pants. Next time I visit an Ivy League school, I will plan my outfit accordingly.

Cambridge is truly a lovely place. Harvard's campus itself gives off an air of exclusivity and mystery and the surrounding college town a vibrant and eclectic atmosphere. It is certainly my favorite spot in Boston and its surrounding areas so far, although Fenway Park is a close second. For whatever reason, eating a Fenway Frank at Fenway Park has always been a huge bucket list item for me. Quite literally- we had to make bucket lists in middle school (which seems a bit morbid, if you ask me). But right there, prominently featured on the list, is the phrase "eat a Fenway Frank at Fenway Park." So, naturally, the first thing I wanted to do upon arrival in Boston was to pay a visit to the Green Monster. I initially did not plan to see a game, but now have tickets for today. When I arrived at the field, giddiness and excitement washed over me, and I purchased and chowed down a strange blob of commingled meats surrounded by a bun. However, just as I felt overcome with pride at having ticked off an item from my bucket list, I began to worry. Did it count since I ate the frank outside the walls of Fenway? Do the gods of bucket lists really care? Of course, my strange nitpickings are not the only reason I bought a ticket to see the Red Sox play today- in all honesty, it just seems silly to visit Boston and NOT see a game.

I'm indescribably excited to see the team, sing Sweet Caroline, and feel like I'm in the movie Fever Pitch. Let's go, Red Sox!

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