Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New Student

Yesterday while teaching our afternoon class we had a visitor. Generally, the English lesson begins outside, weather permitting, where the boys read quietly from books about animals donated by my Australian friend Fiona. Just a quick side note before I relieve you from the accumulated suspense regarding the identity of our visitor- Australian books are about animals I have never heard of in my entire life. It seems odd teaching kids about creatures whose names I cannot even pronounce. Echidna? Sugar Glider? Kookaburra? Bowerbird? Seriously? I think the author was making those up. Well, at least the kids will be well-versed in zoological terms from Down Under.

Anyhow, we were reading about the Sugar Glider's latest shenanigans and noticed a shy girl standing beside a tree at a distance eagerly listening to the story. We invited her to come join the class, and the look of pure joy that washed over her young face made me feel warm and gooey inside, like the center of a jalapeƱo popper fresh out of the oven. Okay, not the best imagery there, but you get the point. This Indian girl, Sunita, quickly became the most eager of the students. She loves learning and soaks information up like an overly-absorbent sponge. Not one of those pathetic little kitchen sponges, but one of those gigantic ones you use to wash your car (for those of you who still do so yourselves). Her enthusiasm for seemingly mundane English exercises is refreshing, and the fact that she is so happy to listen and take in everything I say makes me feel like I am actually making an impact.

We found out that she has already taken a decent amount of classes and that she should move up to a higher level, but she seemed hesitant as she truly enjoys spending time with us. Every time I smile at her or call her name she sits there and beams; it is truly rewarding. Her positive behavior almost makes up for the atrocious behavior of the little boys. The bribe technique seems to be losing its novelty and they are back to their obnoxious selves. The Monster's Inc. stickers don't motivate them like they once did, so perhaps the new reward should be candy or some other sugary treat. I'm not sure I want to see them on a sugar high, however; they bounce off the walls without fructose flowing through their energetic bodies.

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