Thursday, March 13, 2014

Malaria or Malaria Meds?

After experiencing every single listed side effect for my malaria prevention medication, I'm about ready to chuck them down the garbage disposal, throw caution to the wind, and potentially contract malaria. Here are your options, let's see what you all would choose.

Malarone (malaria prevention drug) Side Effects:
-Loss of appetite
-Mouth sores
-Stomach pain

Malaria Side Effects:

Hm... the second list looks a heck of a lot shorter to me. Especially since I am one of the lucky ones who is experiencing not only one but all BUT one side effect of that drug. This morning I was so dizzy I felt drunk, so nauseous I can barely keep liquids down and my appetite has flown the coop. I'm so desperate to get something in me that I have resorted to drinking those juices that I downed during my juice cleanse. Just the smell of the oatmeal Craisin and white chocolate chip cookies I just made at work is making me want to hurl. Heck, even just writing the name of those cookies has the same effect.

The other bizarre side effect not listed on the package but that many online claim they have experienced is strange, unpleasant dreams. I definitely can attest that I had a horrific nightmare last night, thought whether or not it was related to the Malarone is indeterminable. We will see what my mind concocts tonight.

When push comes to shove, the thought of this little creeper depicted below is enough to make me want to keep dealing with the meds. If it were cute like giardia, I wouldn't be so opposed.

Aww, look at this lil' cutie!
No thanks. 

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